There’re few guarantees in life, but one of them is the destruction of your dollars now that Fed Chairman Powell’s been nominated for a second term. Does this mean gold’s going through the roof? We’ll see. I don’t speculate on gold, especially when there’s a liar standing over every mine telling his story.
What I do like is for you to think about gold as an insurance policy where you hope you never need to use it. When gold is surging, times aren’t always great, and vice versa.
Stick with me. Make sure you’re being paid to invest in this market much like you are when you own a business. That’s what dividend-paying stocks do and it’s the annual increases that help you fight inflation. Gold, like your house, is nice but it’s an expensive asset to own.

You can see on the table above, that markets have suffered three major bubble-induced crashes in the 21st century. On the chart below, you can see how the Fed’s policies of unending low interest rates to fight those crashes have led to inflation, turning a dollar at the turn of the century into $0.608 today.
Action Line: Let’s figure out where you stand. Click here to sign up for my free monthly Survive & Thrive newsletter, and we can make it through this together. But only if you’re serious.