Get Your Gun and Your Training Now, Part IV

With the potential appointment of the radical anti-gun judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, Americans’ individual right to bear arms is only one decision away from being history. In this series I’ve already explained that you need to find the right gun for you, and then get trained properly in how to use it.

Once you know how to safely handle your firearm, it’s time to begin working on your accuracy. This is where practice begins to take precedent over enthusiasm. It’s easy to get jazzed up about going to the gun shop and loading up on new equipment, and it’s not hard to sit through a Sig Sauer Academy course learning the basics from the best of the best. But the repetition and dedication of long-term training for accuracy is where most shooters give up. Good training and learning the fundamentals correctly the first time can save you hours of training trying to unlearn bad habits.

In the video below Sig Sauer Academy Director Adam Painchaud walks through the two most important aspects of fundamental shooting skills: trigger finger discipline, and muzzle management.