Ukrainian Firm Develops Handheld Automatic Grenade Launcher

Kiev-based company Precision Systems has developed a new, handheld version of the Russian-made KBP AGS-17 30 mm automatic grenade launcher, which was displayed for the first time at Ukraine’s AviaSvit/Arms and Security show, held in Kiev from 11 to 14 October.

Speaking to IHS Jane’s at the show, company officials said this handheld variant, designated the RGSh30, was developed “in order to create a grenade launcher that could respond to the needs of Ukrainian units and special forces operating in the Donbas”. They added that this smaller and more portable derivative of the Russian model has the virtue of being able to be carried and operated by small, manoeuvrable groups of combatants. Despite its small size and reduced barrel length, the RGSh30 is reported to have an effective range of 1,600 m.

The weapon has a small clip that holds just five VOG-17 30 mm grenades in comparison with the 30-round magazine of the AGS-17, but the “concept of this weapon is to be able to fire small numbers of rounds to disable a BTR [Russian-made armoured personnel carrier] or other armoured vehicles at close quarters. It has the advantage over the Russian design in that it does not have to be mounted on a pylon in a fixed location but can be carried around just like an assault rifle,” said a company representative.

The RGSh30 – Image source:

Precision Systems decided to develop the new weapon from conventional materials so that it would be economical to produce and easy to repair. The company has also said it is looking to develop an entire line of similar weapons that would fire either 20, 25, 30, or 40 mm grenade rounds. The Russian-made 40 mm GP-25 grenade launcher, which attaches to a Kalashnikov assault rifle, is one of the more popular infantry grenade launchers, and Precision Systems says it sees the possibility of taking part of this market away from Russian producers.

Source: Jane’s Defense