Don’t Ask Me When to Haul Your Boat

Your Survival Guy tried to reason with Hurricane Lee and lost. It never made landfall in my neck of the woods or sea. Just lots of wind and rain. No more boating this season. Thank you, Tom Sawyer, for another great one. It’s bittersweet.

Because in my conversations with you, we talk about a feeling of relief when the season’s over, whether it’s boating or gardening. There’s comfort in knowing you don’t have to worry about not using the boat enough or if the garden’s going to float away from too much rain (a big problem this year). There’s always a punch list.

Which brings us to investing. No matter how much money you save or invest, there’s always a punch list.

“Have we saved enough?”

“Should we take a family vacation?”

“We need a new car.”

You’re always wondering what “to do.” And each season brings new memories, a new harvest, and a list of problems and “should dos.” All you can do is do the best you can to make them happen. Sometimes hurricanes, too much rain, you name it, can get in the way. Such is life.

Action Line: With investing, like seasons, you go in with great expectations. But some seasons are just better than others. Your Survival Guy didn’t say it was easy. Don’t ask me when to haul your boat. It’s a leap of faith. Let’s talk.