Emergency: Where Do You Live?

When a transformer caught fire in my backyard my adrenaline went from 0-60 in less than a second. My ability to think clearly was seriously compromised. Thankfully, when I got through to emergency dispatch and told them my address, they were able to find my house. Will they find your house in an emergency? This is a situation when you want to be as visible as possible.

Here are some tips:

  • Make sure your house numbers are visible not hidden from the street. Also make sure you can give a quick, accurate and precise description of where you live. This is another item taken for granted. Don’t rely on someone else to know. Here’s an exercise: Imagine seeing your house from the sky and practice describing your location in less than ten seconds.
  • Next, know where the fire station, police station and dispatch are located and put yourself in their shoes. How will they be getting to your house? How will they be picturing your house in their mind?
  • Finally, get out in the road to wave them down and to be able to explain the situation clearly to the first responder.

Sounds easy, but it all can be hard to do under pressure.