As they left the White House after President Trump’s RNC acceptance speech, Sen. Rand Paul and his wife Kelley were surrounded and harassed by an angry mob of BLM/Antifa protesters. Paul was shielded from the mob by brave police officers who were attacked when they put their own bodies between the aggressors and the senator.
In his latest update, Paul thanked the many Americans who have sent him well-wishes. He wrote:
Dear Friend,
I want to thank the many who have sent kind words and well wishes after my wife, Kelley, and I were surrounded by a mob of protestors outside the White House gates.
Earlier today, I joined Fox News’ Fox & Friends to discuss this incident and to demand an end to the violence, and you can get the full story HERE.
While the mob was yelling at Sen. Rand Paul to “say her name,” in reference to acknowledging Breonna Taylor, Sen. Paul must have been wondering why they were targeting him. Paul co-authored the “Say My Name” legislation in the Senate. Either the protesters didn’t know enough about Paul to realize their mistake, or they didn’t care.