Votes, like politics, are a lagging indicator. If you stir the pot and rile up enough voters, they’ll make sure to see you at the polls in a couple of months. That might be the best news for President Trump as we’re learning that Virginia is for (gun) lovers.
Monday’s peaceful pro-Second Amendment rally in Richmond showed America that more than 20,000 supporters (of your constitutional right to bear arms and protect your family) are now motivated voters. Look out, because they’ll be telling everyone they know how great it was to be with brothers in arms on Monday.
Talk about the power of compound interest.
Democrats in Virginia misread the tea leaves. For the first time in over three decades, they control the state assembly and the governor’s mansion. Everytown for Gun Safety, partially founded by Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, spent $54 million to help turn Virginia blue.
Virginians, poked by the woke, are saying not so fast, as ninety-one of its 96 counties have passed measures to resist proposed state gun regulations.
Salena Zito the WSJ explains:
Many major political movements begin like this one, obscure and unorganized. The temperance movement started around 1805, and it took more than a century before Prohibition was enacted nationwide. The civil-rights movement began in the churches, where it languished for generations before it leapt onto the national stage. Troy Carter’s story isn’t new. It’s emblematic of American politics.
“His journey from simply being a voter to attending and even speaking out at public meetings is the same journey that has advanced many political movements in American history,” said Jeff Brauer, political science professor at Keystone College. “Like his forbearers of American political movements, he is a concerned citizen defending a clear constitutional right against perhaps unreasonable and burdensome restrictions.”
Read more here.
Pro-second amendment voters in swing states are now more motivated voters in swing states.