What is Donald Trump Thinking Firing Comey?

It’s hard to know what President Trump is thinking in firing FBI Director James Comey. This isn’t the best news to bring the team together. Shouldn’t his focus be on repealing Obamacare and passing some tax reform? This seems sophomoric to me. The American Conservative’s Rod Dreher asks “Why Did Trump Fire Comey?” and doesn’t come up with any surefire answers.

Either Trump is a colossal idiot, or he is hiding something, and is a colossal idiot about trying to cover it up. Either way, I don’t see how anybody can take what Trump has done here at face value. From the NYT:

Senior White House and Justice Department officials had been working on building a case against Mr. Comey since at least last week, according to administration officials. Mr. Sessions had been charged with coming up with reasons to fire him, the officials said.

The timing is extremely suspicious. Extremely. If Trump is not guilty of anything other than political stupidity in this matter, then he sure has a way of making it look like he’s trying to cover up something. Do you really believe that Donald Trump fired Jim Comey because he was mean to Hillary Clinton? No, seriously, do you believe that?

You cannot possibly believe that.

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