Your Survival Guy: Emerging Food and Energy Crisis

By Gorodenkoff @

You know how hard it is to get back the life you once knew. If you’re paying attention, no matter how hard you try, the life you knew a year and a half ago isn’t coming back, ever. Sure, you can make an effort and pretend like the good ole days are back. But it’s just not happening. Sorry to ruin your Monday morning.

Here’s the deal: Too many Americans have let this happen without so much as a whimper. The speed of change is breathtaking, where little kids walk around town with masks on without another person in sight. Come on, parents, what are you thinking? It’s just too easy to simply go along than to fight back.

Anecdotal evidence, but boat traffic this weekend was a shell of what it was a couple of years ago. The Newport Folk Festival is still not back to the way it was. Newport’s busy, but not nearly as busy as what we’ve seen in the past. And restaurants just can’t keep up with the demand because of the man-made labor shortage. A man-made disaster to the supply chain.

The supply chain? It’s only as strong as its weakest link, dependent on too many moving parts working together for any government to manage. And when wokers, I mean workers, don’t show up, it breaks. Already this summer, you’ve seen camps closing and school lunch cancellations. Winter is coming. Get your family prepped.

Because it’s been in “good” times when Newport, for example, lost natural gas on the coldest day of the year. There was no pandemic. Now we have a political virus in Covid and then the push for renewables. So what if you’re hot or cold, it’s for the greater good, right?

In the coming disaster, front-line wokers at grocery stores will stay home because “Hey, the government pays my friends to go to the beach.” It could be a snow day for an entire winter.

Action Line: Start talking with your kids now and develop a strategy because a major disruption, man-made or natural, is part of life today. We can’t count on 2022 when D.C. is too big to fail, no matter who’s in charge. Times are different.