You have watched as American politicians and business leaders have pushed back against the ESG movement to protect shareholder returns. Now, the movement to put shareholders ahead of politics has made it to Europe. Niall O’Shea and Hugh Wheelan report for Reuters:
March 14 – Ignored, ridiculed, embraced, sanctified, attacked. If you’ve been living it for long enough, it’s hard not to see the grim humour in the parable of ESG.
That catch-all term, which covers “sustainable”, “responsible” and “impact” investment, is nursing a splendid hangover, and having to contemplate the consequences of over-indulgence. In the U.S., ESG faces outright hostility from political enemies, and the pushback is arriving in Europe, where newly emboldened sceptics have let rip on ESG’s pieties and promises.
Some of the scepticism is deserved: greenwash is rife, and there are too many arguments and practices that don’t stand up to scrutiny. To add to the indignity, ESG now faces regulatory pushback of its own with the EU’s Green Claims directive. Investment firms’ must back up lofty product claims with reference to verifiable evidence and standards.
Let’s get some perspective, though. ESG’s present troubles are an acknowledgement of how far it has come.
At the beginning of the millennium, ESG issues, whether through the perspective of risk, reward or impact, were utterly ignored by investors, apart from some ethical funds.
Some investors would wish it back that way – insisting ESG is the Emperor’s new clothes, markets are broadly efficient, and politicians/technology will solve the huge environmental and social problems we face.
They should not hold their breath, on any of these accounts. Looking systematically at sustainability regulation, energy transition, pollution, executive graft, human/labour rights abuses, the risk of stranded assets etc.; that stuff is staying.
Action Line: Shareholders deserve respect from everyone in charge of their money. From asset managers to executives to board members, a fiduciary duty should be observed. If you want to talk more about an asset manager’s fiduciary duty to clients, I’m here.