It’s a shame what’s happening in cities across the country. And it’s not just in blue states. Marc Sternfield and Michael Bartiromo report in The Hill on America’s rattiest cities:
Orkin has released its 2023 list of the “rattiest cities” in the U.S., which ranks 50 of the nation’s busiest metro regions by “the number of new rodent treatments” performed over a period of 12 months. Specifically, Orkin studied new rodent treatments executed between Sept. 1, 2022, and Aug. 31, 2023, at both residential and commercial properties.
Perhaps not surprisingly, Chicago was ranked as the No. 1 “rattiest” city for a ninth consecutive year.
Rounding out the top five “rattiest” cities were Los Angeles, New York, Washington, D.C. and San Francisco — the usual suspects, as Orkin’s previous reports have suggested.
A complete list of the 50 “rattiest” cities can be found below, with plus (+) or minus (-) symbols indicating their change over last year’s list:
- Chicago
- Los Angeles (+1)
- New York (-1)
- Washington, D.C.
- San Francisco
- Philadelphia
- Baltimore
- Denver
- Detroit (+1)
- Cleveland-Akron (-1)
- Minneapolis-St. Paul
- Seattle
- Boston
- Atlanta
- Indianapolis
- Pittsburgh
- Hartford, Connecticut
- Columbus, Ohio (+3)
- Miami-Ft. Lauderdale (+1)
- Houston (+10)
- Charlotte (+16)
- Dallas-Ft. Worth (+2)
- Raleigh-Durham (+8)
- Milwaukee (-6)
- Grand Rapids (-2)
- Portland, Oregon (-4)
- Norfolk-Portsmouth, Virginia (+1)
- San Diego (-9)
- Richmond-Petersburg, Virginia (+3)
- New Orleans (+8)
- Cincinnati (-6)
- Greenville-Spartanburg, South Carolina (+10)
- Sacramento (+7)
- Kansas City (-5)
- Nashville (-9)
- Tampa-St. Pete (+5)
- Orlando-Daytona Beach (+12)
- Buffalo (-5)
- St. Louis (-5)
- Phoenix (+5)
- Champaign, Illinois (-14)
- Albany-Troy, New York (-6)
- Flint, Michigan (-8)
- Burlington, Vermont-Plattsburgh, New York (+4)
- Albuquerque, New Mexico (+17)
- Rochester, New York (+5)
- South Bend, Indiana (-4)
- Syracuse, New York (-9)
- Charleston-Huntington, West Virginia (-2)
- Greensboro, North Carolina (+17)
Orkin added that fall and winter — specifically October through February — are when rodents most often make their way into residences, with an estimated 21 million seeking food and shelter during the colder months.
Action Line: If you live in one of America’s rattiest cities, it may be time to look for a better America. Start your search with Your Survival Guy’s 2023 Super States. Then, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter, and be one of the first to receive my updated list of Super States.