Democrats Are Not Prepared for Second Amendment Backlash in November

By Branding Pot @

You have seen Democrats eagerly exploiting the tragedies in Uvalde, TX, and Buffalo, NY to push for their favorite anti-gun legislation. It seems they think those efforts will bring them victory in November, but Seamus Brennan, writing for the Association of Mature American Citizens, thinks the strategy is more likely to backfire. He writes:

Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats (along with some Republicans) are pushing a set of policies that could infringe on Americans’ Second Amendment rights while doing nothing of major consequence to prevent mass shootings going forward. So-called red flag laws, for instance—one of a handful of the left’s go-to policies on gun control, which would allow authorities to temporarily confiscate guns from individuals perceived as dangerous—could potentially deprive Americans of due process rights. As Amy Swearer of the Heritage Foundation has noted, even through there are, theoretically, “constitutional ways of temporarily restricting gun ownership for individuals who are clearly a danger to themselves or others,” most red flag laws being proposed in Congress and at the state level fail to meet a reasonable standard for due process.

Rather, Swearer continues, “Congress has other options it can pursue to help states deal with violence in schools, such as encouraging best practices on school security and ensuring cooperation between federal, state, and local agencies on behavioral threat assessment and related training. None of these options suffer from the same serious constitutional concerns as a federal red flag law.”

But as the left doubles down on this strategy, it is, in the end, only likely to bolster Election Day turnout among gunowners and conservative voters. As recent history demonstrates, when Democrats overstep in the realm of gun rights, they suffer massively at the ballot box. The infamous federal “assault weapons” ban, for example, signed into law in 1994, helped Republicans win control of the House, Senate, 12 governorships, and majority control in state legislatures. Furthermore, the last time Democrats pushed for stricter gun control in 2013, they lost a whopping nine seats in the Senate in the 2014 midterms.

Even some Democrats are starting to worry about the possibility that their anti-gun legislation could electorally backfire. “It’s a slippery slope that Democrats don’t want to be on the wrong side of, particularly for front-line Democrats,” one Democratic strategist recently told The Hill. “If you are a Democrat in a purple or Republican-leaning area, there is very little political incentive for you to go out on the ledge on guns.”

But for most Democrats, it seems, the message has not yet sunk in. Should the left continue to exploit horrific tragedies to go after the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans, history shows that they will pay the price in the voting booth. Just when Democrats can least afford it, another lurch to the left on the Second Amendment may imperil their chances of retaining power even further.

Action Line: Americans have shown politicians many times that they are not interested in policies that aim to curb their constitutionally protected rights. That’s why in states where politicians listen to their constituents, legislatures are passing constitutional carry laws. There’s a storm coming in November, and you need to prepare your family for it. Click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter, and we’ll weather the storm together.