Gun Control Disarms the Most Vulnerable First

By Lonny Garris @

In violence riddled Latin America, a new wave of violence against women is growing. Despite relatively strict gun control laws in Latin America, the number of homicides with firearms is high, and those who follow the gun control laws are put in a weakened position compared to the gang and cartel members who wreak havoc on society while disregarding any gun laws. Juan Forero explains Latin America’s rising violence against women in The Wall Street Journal, writing:

Latin America has the highest homicide rate in the world. The region’s most-murderous corner—the so-called Northern Triangle of Central America, including El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala—annually registers the deaths of thousands of young men who shoot, stab, bludgeon and asphyxiate each other, often in gang-related violence.

Now, the Northern Triangle is turning deadly for women, too.

El Salvador, a tiny country of 6 million, has seen homicides of women more than double since 2013 to 469 last year. The death rate per 100,000 women, at 13.5, is more than six times that of the U.S., with Honduras and Guatemala close behind.

Gang violence has turbocharged the problem here, but doesn’t explain all of it. Women die disproportionately at the hands of men throughout much of Latin America. From Mexico to Brazil, episodes of lethal domestic violence are frequent staples on social media and television.

In August, Brazilians were horrified after a TV news show broadcast security camera videoshowing a muscle-bound young man chasing his 29-year-old wife around the underground parking lot in their building and then struggling with her in the elevator as it ascended to their fifth-floor apartment. The camera then captured her lifeless body—she had been strangled, investigators later said—falling from the apartment balcony to the street below.

A Peruvian man poured gasoline on 22-year-old Eyvi Ágreda Marchena on a public bus in April and set her on fire. The attack so horrified the country that President Martín Vizcarra visited her in the hospital before she died in June from the burns. Her assailant admitted killing her, telling investigators she had spurned his advances.

Read more here.

Bad guys will get their guns no matter what laws are in place. Disarming the weakest and most vulnerable serves no one but the wicked. Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro has promised to give innocent Brazilians their gun rights back. No doubt they’ll be getting their guns and their training now, as should you.