Are you prepared for winter? I hope you are. This one might be a tough one.
You know that along with strengthening your immunity and getting your guns and your training (read here, here, here, and here for starters), you also need to consider the violence spreading to the burbs.
It’s tragic, especially if you live in the blue states/cities, you see how leaders have prolonged the devastation from this virus for their own political gain. Take a look at the 2,000-plus page, $2.2 trillion with a “t”, Pelosi pork-ridden relief bill, and the largest line item by far is $436 billion for, wait for it, state and local governments. You can see here how blue states already received the most money and they still want more to put more time on the clock to keep you home and businesses closed.

While blue state government requires you to pay your property taxes, your local government is flush with cash. According to the recent Bureau of Economic Analysis report for the second quarter, state and local government accounted for less than 10% of the earnings declines in Democratic states. They’re not living in the same world as you and me. What could possibly go wrong?
Action Line: Time to get your guns and your training (if they’re not already sold out or classes booked). So many of you have told me about the lines out the door and around the corner at your gun shops, even in places like California. You’re telling me you’re spreading the word to loved ones. I’ll keep doing the same—because we all need reminding about what we have to lose.