President Trump is fighting hard for America on two fronts, both against the health pandemic of COVID-19, and against the economic pandemic following in its wake. Donald Devine explains at The American Spectator, writing:
The only possible solution is President Trump’s insight that there are two pandemics, one for health and another for the economy, and that “we can do both.” In a recent two-hour press conference, in which he answered every question from the media, the president was repeatedly asked if he would promise to obtain the approval of National Institutes of Health infectious diseases chief Dr. Anthony Fauci before reducing or ending his coronavirus restrictions. The president responded each time that he had great trust in Fauci and the other national experts and listened to them. But he told them a president must look at all aspects of governance and listen to the economic experts, too. The job of a president is to make decisions among different expertises, and that is what he would do.
The president likewise reiterated that states would still be able and allowed to act where necessary beyond the few national rules. Many states have no fatalities and few who have contracted the virus. Only five states represent 72 percent of national fatalities, with New York and Washington state alone with almost half of the cases, mostly in their large cities. There is no national solution, and the states would be wise to allow local governments to adopt different policies, as well.
Gallup’s most recent poll finds 60 percent or more of the public supporting health institutions, local and state governments, and even President Trump for the way they have responded to the coronavirus threat, with only the media having a majority disapproving their actions.
Despite the dual challenges faced by President Trump, Americans are supportive of his efforts. His all-time high approval ratings are evidence of their confidence in his approach.
Times like these can be the real test of a leader’s worth. So far the President has measured up.