Your Survival Guy vs. The Boston Globe

By ESB Professional @

I’m a long-time subscriber to The Boston Globe but even I have my limits. I’ve canceled numerous times only to come back to see what’s going on. It’s not good. I can’t even look at the front page it’s so bad as I quickly page to the sports section. Even the sports section has been infected with the progressive viewpoint. But I put up with it because it’s my opinion that athletes, like musicians, and those who cover them don’t have time to read about what’s really happening in the world. My advice: Start the day with and seek the truth.

Here’s a sample of today’s headlines at the Globe:

  • Governor Healey’s budget proposal threatens 50 years of disability rights
  • Its beach nearly gone, waterfront home on Nantucket sells for just $600k. What does the sale say about the island’s future?
  • ‘Keep your filthy hands off Trump Tower!’ Possible seizure of Trump’s signature property hits him hard.
  • A year later, BAA head says officers ‘followed police protocol’ amid interaction with racially diverse run clubs
  • For many years, racism was another tradition at the Masters, and throughout the PGA
  • Real women are still missing from the movies — the Bechdel Test proves it


Action Line: Seek the truth. Click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.