
Your Survival Guy in Paris: Emily and You

Yes, Your Survival Guy is a fan of the TV show Emily in Paris. I don’t know which came first, America’s fascination with Paris...

Your Survival Guy in Paris: On Your Own Time

In all the years Your Survival Guy has been coming to Paris, political talk has not been a favorite pastime here. On Saturday night...

October RAGE Gauge: Paris, Guns, Gold, LVMH, and YOU

Your Survival Guy’s October Rage Gauge is in and it’s not pretty. What did you expect me to say? The stock market is on...

Your Survival Guy in Paris: Olympic Gold and You

In my conversations with you, my Parisian friends, we talked in May about the upcoming Olympics. Your city of Paris would be hosting, and...

Your Survival Guy in Paris: l’Ami Louis, LVMH

Our son and his best friend from our neighborhood, where they grew up together, visited us in Paris last weekend. Both are studying abroad...

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