Where can you get independent research from an advisor who is a fiduciary by law? Where your advisor focuses on you, your money, and not every other cause in the world? It’s not as easy as you think. Take a random walk through the big players’ websites, and you might not like what you see.
Your Survival Guy got a call from one of the bigger players the other day. It was the first time I’d heard from them in years. It’s as if I suddenly existed. Where’s the personal relationship they all flog? If I wasn’t interested in seeing how they’re doing, I’d be out of there. Anyway. Not cool.
And how about this, according to Page Six, Kim Kardashian got paid around $1 million to appear at a conference during Miami’s so-called “Hedge Fund Week.” Now we know where the 2 and 20 fees go. So much for the quiet, Prudent Man approach. Talk about risk, leverage, trading, and pushing the limits. No thank you.
I used to say mutual funds and ETFs were a reasonable alternative to individual holdings, but my tune has changed. Look at the carnage last year in “diversified” S&P 500 index funds, never mind Nasdaq. When a handful of companies rule the roost, that’s not exactly the protection I’m looking for.
If you want independence, especially today, you need to be with a fiduciary. Get it in writing. You wouldn’t believe the names and titles in this industry. It’s like everyone’s the heavyweight champion of the world. Impossible. Look for a small boutique on a tree lined street that’s as far away from the fray as possible.
I’ll get you set up at Fidelity and, with your discretionary authority, get you the curated portfolio you deserve. The minute you come aboard, you’ll be earning money with my favored Fidelity Treasury Money Market.
Action Line: But here’s the kicker. While you’re on a river cruise, playing pickleball, or spending time with friends and family, I’ll have your back while you’re having fun. No need to attend “Hedge Fund Week.” Let’s talk.
P.S. Come Monday, I’ll tell you the #3 Habit of Highly Successful, Fairly Wealthy People.