Watching the spaghetti models for Hurricane Lee makes me wonder if I pulled my boat out too early. Because it looks that way this morning. But here’s the deal: if an errant strand ventures off into my particular harbor, I don’t want to be part of the problem. That’s why trying to reason with hurricane season can be so tough.
Which brings me to your lazy cash sitting on the dock, wondering what to do. It’s time to put that cash to work, especially if it’s sitting in your bank account and you don’t need it for living expenses. Why not consider taking it out and putting it in my favored Fidelity Treasury Money Market yielding 5.07%. When it’s at Fidelity, you can access the money with all the cash management needs you might desire.
Yes, current yield is a great motivational speaker for your lazy cash. But here’s another reason to consider a move. If you’re anything like Your Survival Guy, you might think about what you could spend that money on, especially if it’s right there in your bank account. As opposed to my bank account, there’s something about the money in my investment portfolio that subconsciously deters me from spending it even though it’s accessible. It’s good to trick yourself into saving.
Action Line: When you’re ready to talk, I’m here. But only if you’re serious.