Prices. They’re like adult kids. We don’t have much control over ‘em. What do we do with them? I’ll tell you.
Tough love hurts. Spend less, save more. Become an independent inflation fighter. Because inflation means different things to different people. A new iPhone isn’t as important to me as, say, it is to someone else. Simple and to the point.
Like an aged fine wine, you’ll be amazed at how smart your adult kids think you’ve become—so I’m told. All I remember right now is, “Dad I want to be a garbage man.”
For me, time stands still on a long dirt road not far from our log cabin in New Hampshire. The Saco River runs along it, close enough that I worry about our dog Louis jumping in. Around this time of year, the fall, the leaves are changing, and where they once were, there’s an opening in one section where I can see Attitash Mountain, where our kids learned to ski. Remember those days?
Hey, it’s time to get up, the kids have lessons at eight. Rushing downstairs, lighting the fire, letting Louis outside, getting out the breakfast stuff, and gulping down some coffee. Then falling out the side door with skis, poles, one glove, and a chorus of, I don’t want to ski today. When I’m walking down that dirt road, I remember 15 years ago like it was yesterday. Because it feels like it was. Time flies, getting ready…
Action Line: In your busy life, think about prices with your investments. Think about that money hibernating for years, being careful not to wake it up too early. Right now, there are plenty of places I’d consider hiding for a long winter’s nap. Let’s talk.