RAGE Gauge: The Roar of the Silent Majority

You heard the silent majority speaking loud and clear in November’s presidential election, and now the results are in. For the first time in 3-years there was a decline in year-over-year background checks for pistols—a barometer for sales—and a 29% decline from the same month last year. Isn’t it amazing what a president can do to the psyche of a nation?

But a populist in the White House won’t be cheap and that’s reflected in the 5% surge last month in gold prices as the market anticipates higher inflation down the road. How much higher? Populism can be expensive.

Continue to invest with caution. Even in a best case scenario the new administration begins with stocks close to nosebleed prices (see chart below). Remember this will be a polar night for many investors. Don’t let the lights go out on your portfolio.