Are You Carrying Concealed in Florida?

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Florida’s constitutional concealed carry law went into effect on July 1, and contrary to predictions by anti-gun activists, the world has not ended. Justin Matthews of Fox 13 Tampa Bay reported shortly before the day the law went into effect:

On July 1, 2023, Floridians will be able to carry a concealed firearm without having to get a permit.

“Firearms are very dangerous, and the consequence of using a firearm in an inappropriate way, like in self-defense, you could kill yourself, kill a family member, you could spend the rest of your life in prison,” said Ryan Thomas, the co-founder of Warrior Cloud, a software that helps firearms instructors train students.

He’s a firearm instructor himself and says a lot of his students take his classes ahead of receiving a concealed carry permit, so they know exactly how to use the weapon, and know what the laws are.

“For some reason, some gun owners believe they’re just going to buy a gun at a gun store, they’re going to walk into a range and just figure it out on their own,” Thomas shared.

He said people need the proper training to possess and handle a gun.

Take a look Your Survival Guy’s map of states that have adopted forms of permitless or constitutional carry. Is your state on the list?

Action Line: Your Survival Guy also encourages you to get trained by a competent professional. Now, even more than before, the responsibility is yours to get properly trained on your firearm. For you and for those around you. When trouble strikes, people don’t rise to the occasion, they fall to the level of their training. Click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter, and become a Survivor.