WAR ON THE 2nd AMENDMENT: NY Governor Threatens Gun Owners’ Finances

Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta meets with Congresswoman Kathy Hochul (NY), and other local politicians at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, August 9, 2012. (DoD Photo By Glenn Fawcett)

In a bizarre tweet, New York Governor Kathy Hochul encouraged credit card companies American Express, Mastercard, and Visa to “categorize firearm purchases & flag suspicious activity.” It’s hard to imagine what credit card companies would do to find “suspicious activity” in a transaction between legal gun purchasers and gun shops. The governor’s tweet is just another in a long line of Democrat attempts to use the banking and credit card systems to thwart the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. Townhall reports:

New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) tweeted on Wednesday that in order to decrease gun crime, credit card companies such as American Express and Mastercard need to do more to scrutinize gun purchases.

“Everyone needs to do their part to combat gun violence. [American Express,] [Mastercard] & [Visa] should categorize firearm purchases & flag suspicious activity –just like they do for millions of other transactions,” Hochul said. “Together we can help stop gun trafficking & keep New Yorkers safe.”

Democratic politicians and activists have increasingly put pressure on financial institutions to curb firearm sales as national gun control legislation has made little headway in Congress.

Beto O’Rourke, who is running against Texas’ Republican Governor Greg Abbott, had previously called for credit card companies to “cut off the sales of weapons of war today” when he was running for president in 2019.

Hochul, who should be gliding to victory in the heavily Democratic state of New York, has been embarrassed in the polls recently, with a Trafalgar poll showing her leading her Republican opponent, Lee Zeldin, by less than five points. That’s a terrible margin for a Democratic candidate in New York. Hochul’s popularity has dropped as New Yorkers blame her for more of the rampant crime affecting the state, and its biggest city, New York.

One Twitter user replied to Hochul, mocking her critical words on guns, wondering if she was afraid criminals may be shot while trying to rape or murder New Yorkers.

In response to the recent Supreme Court decision, written by Clarence Thomas, striking down New York’s process for granting concealed carry permits, Hochul and New York Democrats made it nearly impossible for residents to carry their guns anywhere outside the home or outdoors. They spat in the face of the decision by making it almost impossible to concealed carry in the state anywhere but on your own property.

Action Line: Get your gun and your training now. If Kathy Hochul has her way, pretty soon you’ll have to do it with cash or check. Stick with me by signing up for my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter, and we’ll weather this storm together.