During his long career, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer hasn’t been known as an antagonist of the left. In fact, most viewers would consider him a friendly interviewer for Democratic politicians who want to get out their talking points.
Perhaps that’s why Speaker Nancy Pelosi went into full meltdown mode when Blitzer asked her a question she didn’t want to answer, and made repeated attempts to get her to respond. Watch the video below. It starts out OK, but Pelosi slowly goes off the rails, with the wheels really starting to come off around 4:40.
The problem for Pelosi is that she really wants the next COVID-19 stimulus bill to bailout governors who’ve gone wild in blue states, locking down their citizens and destroying their economies and budgets at the same time. The Trump administration has asked Pelosi to forgo bailouts for her friends, and instead to focus on the American people. That’s a step too far for Pelosi, and it shows in the video below where she berates Blitzer for daring to challenge her.