In the North, with winter comes bitter cold. Weather extremes, be it heat, cold, moisture or anything else, call for extra levels of preparedness. When driving you should take special care to prepare yourself and your vehicle for cold weather.
A great place to start building your plan for winter weather survival is with the guidelines of the National Weather Service.
The NWS recommends travelers fill up their tanks often, that way if they get stuck, they can keep the car running, and the heat on. Also, don’t be afraid to adjust your schedule. No commitment to punctuality is worth driving through elements that may kill you.
Also, as temperatures are now getting colder, it’s a great time to check your winter survival kit in your vehicle. The NWS offers a good list of what you should start with:
- Jumper cables: flares or reflective triangle are great extras
- Flashlights: Replace the batteries before the winter season starts and pack some extras
- First Aid Kit: Also check your purse of bag for essential medications
- Baby, special needs gear: If you have a baby or family member with special needs, pack diapers and any special formula or food
- Food: Stock non-perishable food such as canned food and a can opener, dry cereal and protein rich foods like nuts and energy bars
- Water: Have at least 1 gallon of water per person a day for at least 3 days
- Basic toolkit: Pliers, wrench, screwdriver
- Pet supplies: Food and water
- Radio: Battery or hand cranked
- Cat litter or sand: For better tire traction
- Shovel: To dig out snow
- Ice scraper: Even is you usually park in a garage, have one in the car.
- Clothes: Make sure you dress for the weather in warm clothes, gloves, hat, sturdy boots, jacket and an extra change of clothes for the cold
- Warmers: Pack extra for body, hand, feet
- Blankets or sleeping bags: If you get stranded in traffic on a lonely road, you’ll be glad to have it.
- Charged Cell Phone: Keep a spare charger in your car as well
Don’t let inertia stop you. Prepare yourself today.