Does Pat Buchanan have Trump’s Ear?

“The ideas made it, but I didn’t,” recalls Pat Buchanan to Politico with a belly laugh. And yet when most folks are enjoying retirement Mr. Buchanan is putting out some of the best writing the country has ever read at The American Conservative.

Mr. Buchanan was 25-years too early, but he planted the seeds to help Donald Trump to get into the Oval Office.

When Buchanan was running for office back in 2000, Donald Trump said some negative things about him. But, out of the blue, five-years ago Trump called Buchanan to apologize for all of the hurtful things he had said. “He made amends,” Bay Buchanan, Pat’s sister and former campaign manager, says of Trump. “Long before he got into the presidential [race], he reached out to Pat and apologized for what he’d done, realizing it had been wrong. … My brother is a very forgiving guy, and if someone asks for forgiveness, he’s going to deliver it.”

Is Trump listening to Buchanan?  “I gave him some advice once,” he says, a smile spreading across his face. “I think he took it.”

Pat Buchanan takes on the ‘deep state’ agitators