Displaying Reagan-like Optimism, Trump Takes the Lead in New Hampshire

donald trumpNew Hampshire is now in play. “With just five days before the presidential election, a new Suffolk University/Boston Globe poll in the swing state of New Hampshire found Hillary Clinton has lost her lead and is tied with Donald Trump, who appeared to pick up momentum after a surprising, late-hour disclosure by the FBI,” read my iPhone alert last night. Today, in the RealClearPolitics.com poll average, Trump is leading now by 1.5%, a complete reversal.

My mom has been going door-to-door this week in Carroll county New Hampshire reminding registered Republicans to get out and vote on Tuesday. She is a Reagan Republican. One of my favorite pictures from my childhood home is of my mom and dad wearing Reagan hats at the 1980 Republican National Convention in Detroit. I remember, like it was yesterday, their optimism about the future.

Today, rather than excitement, I’m hearing and sensing an overall feeling of nervousness. It’s a combination of, their candidate didn’t make it or I don’t like what Trump says. And neither do I. But what we can’t afford is another eight years of this pathetic economy, a stock market that is a mirage flooded with monetary fuel from a reckless Federal Reserve, and a president who had a golden opportunity to unite this country on one thing, race, who continues to divide it in every speech he gives. Hillary is more of the same. It’s a hold your nose and vote for Trump election. If he loses, there is no turning back.

What we are witnessing in New Hampshire is a migration trend mirrored across the entire country. It’s the progressive/elite/entitled moving out of their “no longer free” states to freer states. The migration north from Massachusetts across the border to income-tax-free, Live Free or Die, New Hampshire has turned the state’s southern area into New Hampsachusetts. The same is true of monied areas in south Florida as the Wall Street rich from NY, NJ, and CT move to call the Sunshine State home. They are the “have your cake, and have more of your cake too” crowd.

The cycle needs to stop. We need to stop giving the haves and the have-nots more of what you no longer have. A president has the ability to flip the mindset of a country from nervousness to optimism. A vote for Trump might put the country–“We the People,” not the entitled few–back in play. Let’s hope New Hampshire leads the way.

Donald Trump Rally in Portsmouth New Hampshire