Democrats Hope You Forget They Unleashed a Violent Crime Wave

Minneapolis, MN. By Kevin Kopf @

After Democrats unleashed a wave of violent crime on America in the Summer of 2020 by supporting riots and looting committed by BLM and ANTIFA, the crime has persisted in America’s big blue cities, and there’s no end in sight. But some Democrats are hoping you’ll forget their efforts to “Defund the Police,” if they make a big deal out of supporting police today. Politico’s Nicholas Wu and Sarah Ferris explain the efforts of the leader of this movement, Abigail Spanberger, a Democratic congresswoman from Virginia. They write:

Abigail Spanberger railed against members of her own party for playing into the GOP’s hands on “defund the police” after the 2020 election. This year, she’s not waiting for permission to do it her way.

The days of Democrats’ own base pushing to strip law enforcement resources are mostly behind them, with evenPresident Joe Biden talking up his plans to do the opposite. And while Republicans aren’t yet citing law enforcement funding in the same manner they did in the last election, swing-district Democrats hear echoes of those attacks in the GOP’s focus on rising crime rates and the border crisis.

And Spanberger — who described the “defund” slogan as voters’ top issue in her own 2020 race — is one of many Democrats who worry those hits could prompt even more drastic political casualties than their unexpected losses two years ago.

“I thought that was a terrible idea,” the Virginia Democrat said of the “defund” slogan, which she said obfuscated the meaning of police reform and confused voters.

She and other Democrats are bracing for the GOP onslaught, unwilling to let Republican attacks go unanswered this year. Instead, they’re preemptively correcting the record.

Action Line: Don’t let the people who opened the floodgates of crime in America off the hook for what they’ve done. Support politicians who stand for law and order in America, and fought for it all along, not just when it was convenient. Stick with me for more on this if you want to Survive & Thrive.