A new study of the potential impacts of a Tsunami hitting Seattle has given residents of the area a stark reminder of the risks they face in the event of tectonic movement in their area. The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has released a terrifying new study that projects the impacts of a tsunami caused by a major earthquake on the Seattle Fault. The DNR reports:
The report finds tsunami waves would reach the shoreline in fewer than 3 minutes in many places on the eastern side of Bainbridge Island, Elliott Bay, and Alki Point. The report shows inundation from such a tsunami exceeding 20 feet along the shoreline of the greater Seattle area.
Study finds tsunami waves arrive in minutes at many locationsThe Seattle Fault crosses east-west through Puget Sound and downtown Seattle, and has produced several earthquakes documented in the geologic record throughout the region. The earthquake scenario used in this modeling is for a very large, low-probability earthquake (~ magnitude 7.5). It produces the maximum-considered Seattle Fault-generated tsunami for emergency planning purposes.
Tsunami waves reach the shoreline in fewer than 3 minutes in many places on the eastern side of Bainbridge Island, Elliott Bay, and Alki Point. Tsunami inundation and strong currents may continue for more than 3 hours from the start of the earthquake.
While this study found the 6 feet of inundation at the Port of Tacoma would be lower than previous studies, it also found that waves may travel up to three miles inland in parts of the port.
While inundation from the tsunami will be greatest closer to the Seattle Fault, the study showed shoreline flooding and increased currents throughout the Salish Sea, from Blaine to Olympia.
The model does not account for tide stages or local tsunamis triggered by earthquake-induced landslides.
About 40% of America’s population lives on the coast. That’s 128 million people. There are 6.3 million people in America who live within a kilometer of the ocean and in an area that is less than three meters above sea level. If a tsunami hits your region, you may have three hours to leave, but you may only have three minutes. Is your family prepared to be heading away from the coast in under three minutes? My guess is that most are not. Where would you go? Do you have an evacuation location already picked out? Do you have supplies already prepared to get you there? Is your gas tank even full?
Action Line: Tsunamis aren’t the only natural threats to your family’s happiness. Fires, floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters could alter your life forever if you don’t prepare for them. Make sure your family is prepared. If you need help and motivation, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter (I won’t share your info with anyone). I’ll push you each month to make the right choices for your family. Let me hear your survival stories by clicking here to get in touch.
Watch the video here of the modeling done for Seattle area residents.