You have watched as a crime wave has overtaken America’s cities after Democrats unleashed violence on America in the summer of 2020. The country’s citizens are tired of walking their streets in fear. In a recent poll by Politico/Morning Consult, 77% of Americans said they believe that violent crime is a major problem in the United States. And 60% of respondents told pollsters that crime would play a major role in determining their votes in 2022’s midterm election. Elena Schneider reports for Politico:
More than three-quarters of voters said violent crime is a major problem in the United States, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll released Wednesday, demonstrating why the issue has become a key to the battle for control of Congress this fall.
Crime and public safety are proving to be a potent mix of issues in the midterm election, as Republicans relentlessly tie Democrats to a pandemic-era rise in crime on the campaign trail and in TV ads. From Pennsylvania to New Mexico to Ohio, Republicans are airing wall-to-wall ads that attack Democrats for being “dangerously liberal on crime,” as one TV ad aimed at Democrat John Fetterman says in the Pennsylvania Senate race.
Only 17 percent of respondents called crime a minor problem, and 2 percent said it was not a problem at all.
Democrat Mandela Barnes, who is running for Senate in Wisconsin, is accused of being “a ‘defund the police’ Democrat,” in a TV ad backed by the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which added that “murder is up in Milwaukee 40 percent, the fourth highest increase in the country.”
These ads are on heavy rotation in suburban areas as part of a GOP strategy aimed at shifting the conversation away from abortion politics, which has put Republicans on defense on since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Instead, Republicans are leaning into fears that are evident in the polling: About three-quarters of respondents said violent crime is increasing nationally, while 88 percent said violent crime was either increasing or staying the same in their own communities.
In the poll, 60 percent said crime would play a major role in deciding who they would vote for, exceeded only by economic concerns and abortion access.
Notably, 60 percent of respondents also said that gun policy would play a major role in their vote. More than half blamed the spike in crime on “too many guns on our streets,” 5 points more than the share of voters who said that “defunding of police departments” was a major reason. Passing legislation on gun control reform is an important priority for 62 percent of respondents. Another third said it should not be done or shouldn’t be a priority.
Action Line: America’s politicians are supposed to protect law-abiding citizens, not let the criminals loose to do more damage. Why are Democrats so intent on not punishing crime? Find yourself a place to live where you’re protected by your politicians. Start your search with my Super States. Learn more about my Super States by clicking here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.
John Fetterman, today: “This idea that I want to release all these prisoners is just also a lie.”
Fetterman has called for releasing one-third of inmates at least 14 times.
ROLL THE TAPE. pic.twitter.com/GoVPCWQ6lk
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 5, 2022