After his historic summit with Vladimir Putin, President Donald Trump is interviewed here by Tucker Carlson. Watch the interview below and read Tucker’s comments on the successful summit. Tucker begins by saying “With remarkable speed and intensity, the media, the foreign policy establishment and both political parties have come together as one to attack Donald Trump for his meeting yesterday with Russian president Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper, John McCain, and Mitt Romney all described the president’s remarks about Russia as “disgraceful.” Former CIA director John Brennan called them treasonous. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer announced that Trump was being blackmailed by a foreign power. Others accused him of being a sleeper agent, a spy. One member of Congress from Tennessee called for a military coup against the presidency.
As the rage storm swirled, the president bowed to the inevitable, genuflecting before U.S. intelligence agencies, whose judgement must never be questioned, and recited the now-obligatory oath of loyalty to the spy bureaucrats now in charge of our country.”
Our full commentary tonight on the Helsinki summit and why it’s suddenly “treason” to be skeptical of intelligence agencies.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) July 18, 2018